
Here’s What our Clients had to Say…

My life was a shambles. I was at a real low point in my life, my job was getting me down and I felt at the lowest point in my life.  I doubted myself and my abilities.  I felt worthless.  Andrea instantly had an impact on me, from our first conversation I immediately felt empowered and quit the toxic role I was in.  She has rebuilt me from a shadow of myself and I’m now a lot happier and more confident.  It is an incredible process and I would recommend to anyone.

Wayne B, UK

I have had a fear of the dentist since a bad experience as a child – I’m now 64!  I would force myself to attend appointments and would be shaking with nerves in the dentist’s chair.  Andrea’s calm and knowledgeable demeanour in the one session that I had with her, put me at ease for that session. 

She explained what was going to happen and how she would approach her dealing with my issue. 

I needed the session as I had root canal work booked at the dentist the following week.  So, an early opportunity to see if Andrea’s intervention had worked.  It did!

The best comment I can give to explain how much better things are would not be from me.  My dentist said at the end of the treatment, “You did really well.  You are usually really nervous even when you come for a check-up and today you’ve been through that without your legs shaking and no other issues.”

If you have some ‘thing’ which stops you living your life as you would like to, talk to Andrea!

Alan T, UK

It was many years before I realized that there was a name for what I frequently felt (“Who am I to …?”, the need to be perfect, etc) – Imposter Syndrome – and that I was far from alone in experiencing those doubts.  There were so many things I didn’t try or put off, and dreams that I just assumed were beyone me because I wasn’t “enough”.

In a nutshell, Andrea’s session on Imposter Syndrome dispelled my self-doubt, negative talk, and limiting beliefs, boosted my confidence and sense of self, and has enabled me to move forward in areas where I was unable to do so before.

Andrea is a gifted hypnotist and I highly recommend her services for this syndrome or for any other issue with which you want effective, lasting and quick help.

GC, Canada

I recently had the pleasure of experiencing a hypnotherapy session with Andrea, and it was nothing short of transformative.  I sought her help to address my imposter syndrome, and the results have been remarkable.

From the moment the session began, I was struck by Andrea’s gentle and compassionate approach.  Her voice is incredibly soothing, and her guidance is both professional and empathetic, creating a safe space for self-exploration and growth.  Throughout the session, I felt completely supported as she skillfully led me through techniques that not only strengthened my confidence but also liberated me from procrastination and deeply ingrained limiting beliefs.

What truly sets Andrea apart is her genuine commitment to her clients’ wellbeing.  She has an exceptional ability to connect on a deep level, understanding the nuances of personal challenges while offering practical, empowering solutions.

Since my session, I’ve noticed a profound shift in my mindset.  I now approach challenges with renewed confidence and clarity, and the sense of freedom from past limitations is truly liberating.  I cannot recommend Andrea highly enough to anyone seeking to overcome personal obstacles and unlock their full potential.  Her work is truly life-changing.

Thank you Andrea!

Gabriele B, Portugal

I just participated in a group Hypnotherapy session on Imposter Syndrome.  It was amazing!  I went very deep, coming back up occasionally and then going even deeper.  I know my unconscious mind remembers everything.  I highly recommend Andrea as she is spot on right from the pre-talk to the end of the hypno session.

Karen H, Belgium

Everybody deserves to experience a session with Andrea!  I initially reached out for help with drinking Coke.  This has been a lifelong addiction and is now causing me health issues that are only going to get worse.  Andrea was really amazing.  I appreciated her thorough intake and really taking the time to get to understand my motivations for the behaviours that are frustrating me.  She was flexible — when one word didn’t ring true she was able to substitute another word.  When one technique didn’t quite fit she immediately had another at hand.  I don’t think I have gone quite as deep in hypnosis before as I had during our two sessions together.

I came out of each (of 2) session feeling so incredibly relaxed and hopeful.  My drinking of Coke immediately reduced by 50%.  One thing I didn’t really anticipate was how the sessions would affect other areas of my life.  For instance my sleeping improved immediately.  I began to fall asleep earlier and easier and stay asleep longer.

Another area that miraculously shifted was the ease that I began picking up after myself.  I am quite a slob and was AMAZED how after the first session that changed.

I so enjoyed the sessions with Andrea that I wish I could just do them on a weekly basis — they are really life changing.

Dawn K, USA

My daughter is a changed person.  She had her first GCSE exam today.  The lead up to it was calm and she structured her revision, taking it all in her stride.  She did not have any melt down.  In her words “My only worry is I aren’t stressed and I should be”.

She has done her exam and carried on as though it was nothing.  She doesn’t want to reflect on how it went.  Which is the total opposite to how she was before.  She would normally have spent hours saying “what if I had done x or y”.

Andrea was very accommodating.  Everything was done via Zoom, which makes it even more incredible, that she had done what she has done.

Adrian L, UK

My experience of hypnotherapy for imposter syndrome with Andrea was absolutely fantastic… Andrea’s aim was to treat me quickly without the need for several return visits or a long term programme.  This was certainly the case for me… I felt much calmer, lighter… I also noticed how much more focussed I was.  I took more action on my business plan that day than I had in previous months…

If you are ready to change you will be amazed at how quickly this can happen.

Jan P, UK

Before working with Andrea, I felt like I was “almost there”.  Things were lining up beautifully, but there were still a few pieces missing.  I still had a sense of limbo, and knew the general direction I was heading, but not the specific vector.  I decided to proceed to work with her because the space and service she was offering resonated with me.  After experiencing Transformational Life Coaching with Andrea, I am more emotionally resilient and my life feels in flow.  I am more empowered to respond from a place of wholeness, instead of reacting emotionally.  I am more in touch with myself… my needs and motivations and desires.  Thank you for a lovely experience!

Abi D, Costa Rica

Before hypnotherapy I would describe life, in a nutshell, as ‘hard work’.  I suffered 24/7 with chronic pain (upper and lower back), I had limited range of movement in both shoulders plus daily muscle aching.

After 2 long years of restrictions, hypnotherapy sessions have done something that surgery, conventional medication, physiotherapy and acupuncture had failed to do…

I am able to carry out more day to day activities with a lot less pain, discomfort and restrictions.  This has in turn contributed to a more positive mental state.

Lisa A, UK

My days would begin with yoga stretches just to be able to get our of bed.  During the day, I struggled with back pain, arthritis and sciatica.  Being in pain consumed my thoughts and prevented me from truly focusing on anything productive…

When asked to grade the pain out of 10, 10 being at the top end of painful, I gave it an 8 (and that would be on a good day)…

When Andrea contacted me to follow-up after the sessions, she asked about my pain level, and I was surprised when I realised I hadn’t even noticed being almost pain free!  The pain had reduced significantly.  When asked to rate it out of 10, it was now down to a 3.

Fiona C, UK

Spiders.  I had a debilitating fear of them that impacted massively on my everyday life.  I wouldn’t go into sheds or the loft, I couldn’t do gardening or many outdoor activities as I was terrifed of seeing a spider.  I am due to go to Bali in a couple of weeks and the thought of seeing tropical spiders over there was making me really anxious and very scared…

[since hypnotherapy] I’ve started looking for spiders now a days to see if I am scared of them!  So far although I still really don’t like them I’m not feeling that ‘phobic’ terror that I used to feel.

Emma S, UK

I wanted to let you know that following our session, I’m really, really amazed and I’m thinking way more about my debit card and actual money, and I’m not wanting to go towards credit cards, so that in itself is positively amazing.

Even the next day of our session I had to purchase things and I used my banking card, and normally I would put it on the credit cards, so that was super interesting.

The other think that popped up was that I want to move.  I’m currently in a beautiful house in the forest, and I’m surrounded by absolutely nothing… so I’m actually going to move next week, back to Quebec City so that’s fantastic, and I think that’s where I’m going to find my resources and everything that I need that has to do with abundance.

I wanted to say thank you so much… I’m feeling a lot more in flow and I really loved your hypnotherapy session as I feel like I’ve shifted.  It’s not all conscious to me, but I’ve shifted a lot in my subconscious now.

Lynne M, Canada

Before the session I was feeling a combination of excited and a little nervous because I didn’t know what to expect.  Andrea instantly put me at ease and made me feel safe and calm.  In the initial session we discussed the areas I’d like to work on, so the hypnosis session was tailored to my own needs.  Andrea’s voice is very calming and reassuring and helped me to really relax.  After the session I felt really calm, empowered and positive, and I can’t wait to see what other changes I notice over the coming days and weeks.  Thank you Andrea!

Sarah P, UK

Andrea’s patience and calming demeanour was able to change my mindset which has now enabled me to have clarity, drive and purpose.  I can now say that I am totally renewed and am ready to take the world on and face any challenges that come before me.

Deborah H, UK

I was at a crossroads with my business and was struggling mentally and physically with a number of issues including general anxiety, overwhelm… During the coaching sessions, Andrea provided me with a really useful coping technique for dealing with my anxiety and overwhelm, and I now use this regularly to rid my mind of excessive thoughts so that I can relax, get a better night’s sleep, and focus more on what’s important…. but have now been given a whole new lease of life.

Fiona C, UK

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